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Électricité de France

Électricité de France (EDF) was set up in 1946 out of the desire to have a national electrical utility that could help rebuild the country after the Second World War. Since its creation, the company has had the responsibility for generating, transmitting, and distributing electricity in France. Électricité de France (EDF) is the largest producer and provider of electricity in the world. The company remains one of the European utilities with a significant R&D activity and effort on innovation. Around 2,000 people are presently employed at EDF R&D, amongst which 70% are researchers and executives, and 32% are women (in majority researchers and executives).


Fortum logo


Fortum is a leading clean-energy company that provides its customers with electricity, heating and cooling as well as smart solutions to improve resource efficiency. We want to engage our customers and society to join the change for a cleaner world. We employ some 9,000 professionals in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, Poland and India. Fortum’s share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.

Fortum has been operator and license holder of Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant for over 40 years. Fortum’s nuclear engineering organization has been involved in modifications such as safety upgrades and automation renewal carried out in the plant.



NUBIKI Nuclear Safety Research Institute Ltd.

NUBIKI is a fully employee-owned enterprise. It was founded in 2009 by key staff members of the earlier VEIKI Institute for Electric Power Research having several decades of experience in the expertise of the company. Applied research and engineering services related to the safety assessment and evaluation of nuclear installations are in the focus of technical work at NUBIKI. In particular, NUBIKI experts conduct safety studies to support safe and economic, long-term operation of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant and initiatives on maintaining electricity production using nuclear energy as well as making advancement in nuclear technology. NUBIKI is specialized in the analysis of containment behaviour during design basis accidents, simulation of severe accidents including experimental studies, analysis of external hazards, probabilistic safety assessment and providing technical support to risk-informed decision-making. NUBIKI staff members have been participating in various EU projects within the scope of their knowledge and experience.


RELKO logo

RELKO spol. s r.o.

RELKO spol. s r.o. is a distinguished group of engineers, applied scientists and management consultants who are widely recognised for their problem-solving capabilities in the field of safety of nuclear power plants equipped with WWER type reactors. It is a private company founded in February 1993. Its objective is the evaluation and further development of operational safety for nuclear power plants. The company performs safety analyses and evaluation of operational experience as well as consulting on matters of plant safety. Major activities of current importance are probabilistic safety assessments (PSA), fire and flood risk analyses, high energy piping break analysis, external events analyses (seismic events, extreme meteorological conditions, etc.) further development of accident management measures, drafting of safety requirements, standards and guides.



Risk Pilot AB

Risk Pilot AB is a Swedish independent Risk Management consultant company that consists of highly skilled and qualified consultants within relevant fields of nuclear engineering as well as Behavioral Science and Psychology. Risk Pilot combines specialist engineering expertise with knowledge about how people and organizations behave and operate. The company was founded in 2003 and has since been working with Safety Management in the nuclear power industry but as demand grew the company has expanded and extended its services to include Safety Management in a number of different industries. Risk Pilot’s vast experience of Safety Management in the nuclear industry includes Probabilistic Safety Analysis, Deterministic Safety Analysis as well as Human Factors. In all these fields Risk Pilot are contributing to the Swedish nuclear industry by taking part in, or leading, projects together with Swedish authorities or nuclear companies.


UJV logo

ÚJV Řež a.s.

ÚJV Řež is a Czech leading provider of complex services in safety, reliability and efficiency supporting power generation industry, both nuclear and fossil including heat production plants. Services are provided to operating power plants as well as facilities under construction. The company provides pre-design and design engineering services, fuel cycle chemistry and the complex services covering radioactive waste management. Moreover, ÚJV Řež is active in the healthcare sector with department successfully developing and manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals essential to positron emission tomography (PET) examination.


VTT logo

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a state-owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company. As an impartial non-profit Research and Technology Organisation (RTO), VTT carries out research and innovation activities for the needs of industry and knowledge-based society. VTT has vast experience working as a partner in and as a coordinator of a diverse range of EU projects. VTT is the largest internationally networked R&D centre for applied research in Northern Europe, harnessing high technology to develop scientific solutions for sustainable development and creating new business opportunities. VTT has a firm and long-standing connection with the nuclear energy industry worldwide.